Results for : Cody Fern

0 14 min. 2017 HD
Two childhood friends, each held captive in time by a tragic moment, travel through the world of memory to find their respective path to freedom.
Director: Cody Fern
Genres: Drama
Actors: Cody Fern, Keir Gilchrist

The Last Time I Saw Richard
4 22 min. 2013 HD
A troubled young man at a mental health institution gets a quiet new roommate. The pair become close friends, bonded over a mutual threat that may or may not be real.
Director: Nicholas Verso
Genres: Horror , Drama
Actors: Toby Wallace, Cody Fern, Brian Lipson, Melissa Godbold, William Haines

The Tribes of Palos Verdes
3 104 min. 2017 HD
When the situation at her idyllic Palos Verdes home turns volatile, young Medina attempts to surf her way to happiness.
Director: Brendan Malloy
Genres: Drama
Actors: Maika Monroe, Jennifer Garner, Cody Fern, Justin Kirk, Noah Silver

House of Cards
4 2013 HD
Le membre du Congrès Frank Underwood ne recule devant rien pour tout conquérir dans ce drame sur le pouvoir, le sexe et l’avidité.
Genres: Drama
Actors: Constance Zimmer, Robin Wright, Michael Kelly, Boris McGiver, Derek Cecil

American Horror Story
4 2011 HD
A chaque saison, son histoire. American Horror Story nous embarque dans des récits à la fois poignants et cauchemardesques, mêlant la peur, le gore et le politiquement correct. De quoi vous confronter à vos plus grandes frayeurs !
Genres: Drama , Mystery , Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Actors: Emma Roberts, Billie Lourd, Leslie Grossman, Cody Fern, Matthew Morrison